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1-2 AUGUST 2024
26-27 DECEMBER 2024
You are invited to attend the Children's Buddhist Meditation Retreat held in Chiang Mai, Thailand at Wat Tung Yu, a Theravada Buddhist Temple, to learn and practice The Teachings of The Buddha through guided meditations, interactive group discussions, games, and activities.
This retreat will provide your child the opportunity to learn and practice The Teachings of The Buddha while improving their ability to focus and concentrate in daily life. Parents are welcome to drop their child at the Temple each day or attend to learn how to share The Teachings of The Buddha and healthy qualities of mind with children through discussion, games, and fun activities.
We invite your child to bring their favorite snack to the retreat to enjoy and share with their new friends to learn the important practice of gratitude and generosity.
This retreat is offered at no cost to all those with a sincere interest to learn and practice The Teachings of The Buddha on The Path to Enlightenment to include, children of all ages and parents.
Retreat Overview
This retreat focuses on guiding Students and/or Parents in developing a basic understanding of important qualities of mind, such as, focus, concentration, and mindfulness. The retreat sessions will be dedicated to sharing The Teachings of The Buddha that will guide a young Student towards the development of the mind for a successful life. Ultimately, a Student is able to continue their learning in future classes, courses, and retreats to attain Enlightenment - a peaceful, calm, serene, and content mind with joy that is permanent.
At the conclusion of this retreat, Students and/or Parents will have a basic understanding of healthy qualities of mind to cultivate and will have developed helpful games/activities that will aid in the continued development of these healthy qualities of mind.
Students and Parents will be invited back to continue learning through additional classes, courses, and retreats offered throughout the year - all at no cost.
(All classes during the retreat are offered openly and freely to any and all participants, including children of all ages and families, at no cost. Students are welcome to attend classes/events during the retreat based on their own needs and interests. You are welcome to attend as many or as few of the retreat classes as you would like. There is no requirement to attend all the classes, as Students are welcome to come and go as they please.)
(For more details, see the Retreat Plan, Retreat Schedule, and Class Descriptions and contact us with any questions, as we are pleased to help you.)
Ongoing Support
Continued support and guidance is available to all Students beyond this retreat through books, audiobooks, videos, podcasts, online/in-person classes or retreats, online community, and personal guidance - offered openly and freely to all. You can gain access to these resources using this link.
If you’d like to support this retreat, you are welcome to make your donations using this link. Your kind support is highly appreciated and will help create the very best retreat experience for you.
Donations will contribute to the cost of various expenses for the retreat.
Teachings, Discussions, Games, and Fun Activities
- Life Story of Gotama Buddha
- Enlightenment: What is “Enlightenment”?
- Gratitude & Generosity: Cultivating Appreciation and Sharing
- Training The Mind to Acquire Concentration: Developing Singleness of Mind in a Distracting World
- Developing Mindfulness to Cultivate Awareness of Mind
- The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice
- What is Kamma and How Does It Affect Me?
- Meditation Instruction: Breathing Mindfulness Meditation
- Meditation Positions: Seated, Lying, or Standing
- Gong Meditation
Thursday - Day 1
9:00 AM - Welcome / Open Discussion - Retreat Plan and Schedule
Life Story of Gotama Buddha
Enlightenment: What is Enlightenment?
10:00 AM - Snack Time - Gratitude & Generosity: Cultivating Appreciation and Sharing
10:30 AM - Fun Game & Activity (Water Bottle/Bowl Game)
Developing Mindfulness to Cultivate Awareness of Mind
11:30 AM - Learning & Practicing Gong Meditation with Master Vee
12:00 PM - Finished
Friday - Day 2
9:00 AM - Breathing Mindfulness Meditation (Seated, Lying, or Standing)
9:30 AM - Fun Game & Activity (Concentration Game)
Training The Mind to Acquire Concentration: Developing Singleness of Mind in a Distracting World
10:30 AM - Snack Time - Gratitude & Generosity: Cultivating Appreciation and Sharing
11:00 AM - The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice & What is Kamma and How Does It Affect Me?
11:30 AM - Learning & Practicing Gong Meditation with Master Vee
12:00 PM - Finished
Students are welcome to attend classes/events during the retreat based on their own needs and interests.
You are welcome to participate in as many or as few of the classes/events during the retreat as you would like. All classes during the retreat are offered openly and freely to any and all participants, including children of all ages and families, at no cost.
All instruction during the retreat is provided openly and freely by our Teachers.
David Roylance, Veerayuth Pongsiri, and Bilhan Roylance will provide all talks on meditation instruction and The Teachings of The Buddha.
Begin Your Learning
Parents are encouraged to use the book “Developing a Life Practice: The Path That Leads to Enlightenment” (Volume 1) by David Roylance as a source text for this retreat. Reading this book prior to the retreat can provide Parents advance learning in preparation to gain the most benefit from the retreat.
The books can be accessed using this link.
David Roylance
David Roylance is a dedicated Practitioner and Teacher of Gotama Buddha’s Teachings who has been part of the Thai community since 2001. He visited Thailand for the first time in 2002 and brought the Traditional Thai Healing Arts back to the United States of America to share with people in the Western World.
His Traditional Thai Healing Arts centers, located in the Washington DC area, provided traditional Thai healing arts to clients and educational opportunities to Students to explore the Thai healing arts, Thai culture, and The Teachings of Gotama Buddha. David is a published author with books on the topics of Traditional Thai Healing Arts and The Path That Leads to Enlightenment.
David has taught Gotama Buddha’s Teachings since 2005 in the United States of America. In 2015, he closed his businesses and relocated to Chiang Mai, Thailand to be closer to the Thai culture and the Thai Community of Buddhist Practitioners.
David shares Gotama Buddha’s Teachings with Household Practitioners and Ordained Practitioners in Chiang Mai, Thailand and around the world through courses, retreats, and special events providing guidance to help people attain Enlightenment - a peaceful, calm, serene, and content mind with joy.
Veerayuth Pongsiri
Veerayuth Pongsiri was born in 1967 and holds both a Bachelor degree in Survey Engineering as well as a Masters degree in Buddhist studies from MCU Chiang Mai, Thailand (Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University). He worked as a Survey Engineer in both construction and consultant companies for over 20 years. His combined studies in Engineering and Buddhism have allowed him to blend Western science with Eastern art to develop a program called “Mindfulness Gong Bath” – a meditative sound bath.
Veerayuth enjoys teaching the Mindfulness Gong techniques by inviting the gong to reverberate with the smooth touch of his fingers. Attendees learn how to immerse into this powerful and vibrant sound while meditating to benefit one's meditation practice.
Veerayuth, known as Master Vee, dedicates a significant portion of his time to volunteer at Wat Tung Yu and other locations throughout Thailand to share techniques that help his Students develop a stress and anxiety free life.
Bilhan Roylance
Bilhan Roylance has been a dedicated Practitioner of Gotama Buddha's Teachings since 2018 at the age of 6 but, it could be thought of as he has been learning The Teachings of The Buddha since he was in the womb. His mother is also a dedicated Practitioner of Gotama Buddha's Teachings and was meditating while he was in her womb which benefited Bilhan.
Bilhan has been learning in the classroom with his father David Roylance since he was an infant. He started sharing The Teachings of The Buddha with members of his immediate family starting in 2020 at the age of 8.
Bilhan is committed to helping others learn and practice The Teachings of The Buddha so they can experience Enlightenment, to include, improved focus, concentration, clarity of mind, and deep memory, so his Students can lead a successful life which will ultimately benefit the entire world.

Veerayuth Pongsiri, Bilhan Roylance, and David Roylance
Welcome / Retreat Plan and Schedule - Open Discussion
Students will participate in a welcome from our Teachers, David Roylance, Veerayuth Pongsiri, and Bilhan Roylance. They will lead an open discussion to provide Students with an overview of the retreat plan and schedule so that Students can get acquainted with the retreat activities and each other.
This is the perfect opportunity to connect with Students who will participate in the retreat and meet new friends while gaining insight into all the retreat classes, games, and fun activities.
Meditation Instruction: Breathing Mindfulness Meditation (Seated, Lying, & Standing)
Learn Breathing Mindfulness Meditation in the seated, lying, and standing positions to train the mind to cultivate mindfulness (i.e. awareness of mind) and concentration to attain Enlightenment through The Teachings of Gotama Buddha on The Path to Enlightenment.
David will guide you in understanding Breathing Mindfulness Meditation, how to do Breathing Mindfulness Meditation, guide you in doing Breathing Mindfulness Meditation during group meditation sessions, and will accept questions from Students to help you develop your "life practice”.
Life Story of Gotama Buddha
Learn the life story of Siddhartha Gotama, who eventually becomes known as Gotama Buddha or “The Buddha".
David and Bilhan will share a detailed recounting of The Buddha’s birth, early life, journey to Enlightenment, teaching career, and what motivated him to discover The Teachings that lead to Enlightenment.
Enlightenment: What is “Enlightenment”?
Enlightenment is attained gradually over time through learning and practicing The Buddha’s Teachings so that you can observe truth that will allow you to acquire wisdom.
But what is Enlightenment?
David and Bilhan will help you to understand the mental state of Enlightenment, how to progress on The Path to Enlightenment, and how to attain Enlightenment.
Developing Mindfulness to Cultivate Awareness of Mind
The Eight Fold Path is the core and central Teaching of The Buddha. All other Teachings plug into this Teaching which will guide you in learning and practicing to attain Enlightenment.Learning and practicing Right Mindfulness will allow you the ability to observe the wholesome and unwholesome qualities of the mind. With Right Mindfulness, you can then eliminate negative aspects of the mind and develop positive qualities. This will help to uplift the mind towards the attainment of Enlightenment.David will help you to understand Right Mindfulness so that you will be able to practice this important Teaching as part of your journey to Enlightenment.
Learning & Practicing Gong Meditation with Master Vee
Master Vee will introduce Students to the creative sounds of his gong while guiding them in a meditation that will help enhance the mind's mindfulness (i.e. awareness of mind) and concentration. The benefits of training the mind can be experienced not only in meditation but also, outside of meditation.
Students will be able to learn how to participate in this unique style of meditation and will have the opportunity to create their own resonating sound with the gong through Master Vee's guidance.
Training The Mind to Acquire Concentration: Developing Singleness of Mind in a Distracting World
The advantages of attaining Enlightenment include increased and high degrees of focus, memory, clarity of thought, and concentration. But to achieve this goal, a Practitioner will need to gradually develop the mind through ongoing practice of these Teachings.David will teach you how to develop deep concentration while living in a world that can be highly distracting that tests your will and resolve to develop the mind on The Path to Enlightenment.
The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice
The Buddha gave us guidance to conduct life without harm to other beings or ourselves. This is titled “The Five Precepts”.
These are not commandments nor rules to follow, rather how to ensure you are not causing harm to others or yourself. By causing harm to others, we cause harm to ourselves by the Natural Law of Kamma. Through practice of these precepts, you will drastically eliminate unwholesome Kamma production and, thus, experience a more peaceful and content existence.
The Buddha’s Teachings are not to control an individual nor dictate what they should or should not do. But instead, provide guidance that when practiced will lead to Enlightenment, liberation of the mind, a peaceful and content mind and, thus, a peaceful and content life.
David and Bilhan will help you understand what The Buddha taught regarding The Five Precepts and how to apply them to your daily life in modern times.
What is Kamma and How Does It Affect Me?
All of Gotama Buddha’s Teachings center on the importance of “not doing any harm”. By doing harm to other beings, we do harm to ourselves because of The Natural Law of Kamma.
But what is Kamma? Is it really as mystical and magical as some people say?
David and Bilhan will demystify The Natural Law of Kamma and help you understand "What is Kamma and How Does It Affect Me?".
Games and Fun Activities
There are games and fun activities planned throughout the retreat. Children will be involved throughout the retreat with opportunities to learn to be focus, concentrated, and practice mindfulness while also experiencing fun activities. Parents are invited to either drop their child at the Temple each day or participate in the retreat to learn right alongside of their child.
Snack Time - Gratitude & Generosity: Cultivating Appreciation and Sharing
David and Bilhan will guide Students in understanding the benefits of practicing gratitude and generosity while leading a group discussion. They will invite Students to participate in a group discussion by sharing examples of how gratitude and generosity created impactful growth within their own life.
We invite your child to bring their favorite snack to the retreat to enjoy and share with their new friends to learn the important practice of gratitude and generosity.
The Buddha taught over 2,500 years ago. He taught The Path to Enlightenment guiding countless beings to a mental state that is peaceful, calm, serene, and content with joy that is permanent, where the mind has eliminated 100% of all discontent feelings such as sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, annoyance, guilt, shame, fears, boredom, loneliness, shyness, jealousy, resentment, stress, anxiety, etc.
Immediately following the death of The Buddha (i.e. Gotama Buddha), The Teachings were shining in the world continuing to guide countless people to Enlightenment. But, over the course of many generations, just as Gotama Buddha predicted, people’s understanding of his Teachings gradually diminished due to modifications and adjustments made by people after him. The modifications made to his Teachings, handed down through oral transmission, have made it increasingly difficult for human beings to attain Enlightenment.
The goal of David’s Teachings is to root the learning and practice he shares in “The Words of The Buddha” based on The Teachings that existed during the lifetime of Gotama Buddha, so that countless beings can now attain Enlightenment based on the original Path to Enlightenment discovered and declared by Gotama Buddha.
David does this through connecting what he teaches to the largest most complete source of Teachings from Gotama Buddha - The Pāli Canon. The Pāli Canon is the original source text of The Teachings from Gotama Buddha as spoken by him during his lifetime.
David has spent countless hours dedicated to restoring The Words of The Buddha by updating a significant portion of the translations of Gotama Buddha’s Teachings from The Pāli Canon. He now offers several resources for Students to learn, reflect, and practice The Path to Enlightenment to experience the results of an Enlightened mind.
David offers books, audiobooks, videos, podcasts, online learning programs, personal guidance, and retreats without any requirement for financial support. All the work that is being done is offered openly and freely for all beings without any requirement to provide any financial support. David accepts donations but Students are not required to provide donations for any work that he does in supporting them on The Path to Enlightenment. David does not request donations and instead, just accepts whatever is offered to him, if anything at all.
His dedication to sharing these Teachings is not motivated by finances. He shares openly and freely with everyone who has a sincere interest in learning and practicing The Path to Enlightenment.
Ultimately, David plans to preserve The Teachings of The Buddha in a format that is easily, readily, and openly accessible to anyone in the world while offering support to learn, reflect, and practice to experience the results of the Enlightened mind.
His plan is to guide countless people to Enlightenment during his lifetime and leave a Community of Enlightened beings who can continue to share The Teachings long after his death. Through developing a Community of Enlightened beings and preserving The Path to Enlightenment in resources that are easily, readily, and openly accessible to anyone in the world, David is revealing the hidden Teachings of Gotama Buddha and doing the best he can to remove any obstacles one might have to learn, reflect, and practice these Teachings, allowing countless people to experience the results of an Enlightened mind.
Upon his death, David predicts that his closest Student, his son and a continued lineage of Teachers, will share these same Teachings continuing to support and grow The Community of Enlightened beings long into the future - for the next 1000 years.
These efforts will culminate into restoring The Path to Enlightenment back into the world so that all of humanity can experience Enlightenment evolving the human species to one where every being has the opportunity to attain Enlightenment creating “heaven on earth”.
Having experienced Enlightenment and knowing the peace, calm, serenity, and contentedness with joy that comes with having attained Enlightenment, a Buddha’s goal is to share his Teachings worldwide so that “all beings” can experience Enlightenment.
The Enlightened mind no longer experiences any discontent feelings such as sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, annoyance, guilt, shame, fears, boredom, loneliness, shyness, jealousy, resentment, anxiety, stress, etc.
All discontent feelings have been eliminated 100% from the Enlightened mind (i.e. all suffering is eliminated).
An Enlightened mind will have loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, equanimity, and generosity among many other wholesome qualities.
Can you imagine an entire world where all human beings have liberated their mind to no longer experience these discontent feelings and are practicing wholesome qualities of mind at all times?
With “The Buddha” (Gotama Buddha) having attained this permanent mental state of Enlightenment on his own as The Perfectly Enlightened Buddha, he would have known that through his dedicated and persistent pursuit to Enlightenment, he had acquired the wisdom needed to guide “all beings” to this same mental state.
However, his teaching career of 45 years would not be enough time to share his Teachings worldwide. He knew, that it would require many centuries for his Teachings to reach all parts of the world. During his lifetime, travel of people and information was limited based on several constraints.
Today, we are in a unique time in history where these same constraints have been eliminated. A time when people and information are able to travel around the world in an instant.
Not only can information travel quickly but all of humanity is slowly coming to the point where there is a common language spoken around the world - the English language.
Criteria exist today that did not exist during Gotama Buddha’s lifetime that make now the perfect time for all of humanity to gradually attain Enlightenment realizing a better existence.
People can travel worldwide.
Information can be shared worldwide in an instant.
Commonly spoken language among a large percentage of the worldwide population and this is only growing.
These criteria did not exist during the lifetime of Gotama Buddha and it is only now that the world has come into an age where his original goal is realistically possible.
But, during Gotama Buddha’s lifetime it seems they had something that we may not have….
The people during Gotama Buddha’s lifetime had perseverance and dedication to learning, reflecting, and practicing The Teachings to realize the results of experiencing the Enlightened mind. They were not afraid of hard work.
With our modern day conveniences, I am unsure how many people are willing to apply their determination, dedication, and diligence with time, effort, energy, and resources towards The Path to Enlightenment with the goal to experience the Enlightened mind.
When a being decides they are finished with the sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, annoyance, guilt, shame, fear, boredom, loneliness, shyness, jealousy, resentment, etc., that is the time when one can turn towards The Teachings and goal of experiencing Enlightenment.
Through each individual deciding to learn and practice The Teachings of Gotama Buddha, as a collective world, our species will gradually evolve. We evolve to a higher consciousness where we train the mind to not harm others through our intentions, speech, nor actions.
Through each individual deciding to learn, reflect, and practice The Teachings of Gotama Buddha, each person benefits and we all benefit as there will be less and less harm in the world.
Through individuals deciding to focus on developing a comprehensive approach to learning and practicing The Teachings of Gotama Buddha with guidance from a Teacher, your life drastically improves and the entire world improves essentially creating “heaven on earth”.
We do not need to “fix” the world. That is not the problem. The problem is the unEnlightened mind does not understand The Natural Laws of Existence and it is quite a struggle to live in a world that one does not understand.
Through learning and practicing The Teachings of Gotama Buddha, a Practitioner comes to deeply understand The Natural Laws of Existence to acquire wisdom that will end the struggles and misery one may face on a regular basis.
Are you ready to apply determination, dedication, and diligence with time, effort, energy, and resources towards The Path to Enlightenment with the goal to experience Enlightenment?
If one enjoys anger, sadness, boredom, loneliness, resentment, etc., there is nothing to do.
But, if you are interested to eliminate these unwelcomed feelings from the mind, then I suggest you turn towards The Path to Enlightenment and apply your dedication and diligence to learning, reflecting, and practicing The Teachings of Gotama Buddha.
And then, as all of humanity gradually experiences Enlightenment we will have accomplished “the goal”.
“An entire species of Enlightened beings”.
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